Lacquer arts is an important Asian cultural heritage. The purpose of the Asian Lacquer Craft Exchange Project is to promote natural lacquer arts, crafts, industry, and education throughout Asia. We do this by bringing artists, artisans, educators, and scientists together for seminars, workshops, and art exhibitions.
The Project began when members first visited the Bagan Lacquerware Technology College in 2003. Beginning in 2005, yearly workshops and lectures were held by Japanese lacquer experts and artists in order to introduce lacquer art and techniques to the faculty and students of the College and to the Bagan lacquer community as a whole. Since 2016, Programs have been held in Chiang Mai, Hanoi, Bagan, Yangon, and Siem Reap.
During this pause in our lives and in the Project’s programs, we have decided to create a video archive of the current state of lacquer arts and crafts in Southeast Asia. We are beginning with Thailand and Vietnam!