I'm 64 years old, and have trained on and off for a number of years - but never seriously. In March 2008, I took a good look at myself. I was completely out of condition. I had a 39.5 inch waist, was totally unfit, and had no muscle tone - a slob lol !! I decided to change my shape and my lifestyle.
Since then, I have come down to a 32 inch waist. This goes to show that regardless of how old you are you can make a big difference if you are prepared to train and use weights. I have also made sure that I only train for a max of 40 minutes per weights session.
You too can be in the best shape of your life if you are prepared to take the first step.
You can find me at the following blogs & websites -
All Information on this channel is given with the best of intentions. Should you choose to use any of the information or copy any of the exercises you do so entirely at your own risk.