This is your channel for prayers, supplications, and intercessions where you will find answers and comfort for your anxieties, pains, and sorrows, as well as a way to communicate with the Creator to thank Him for the blessings received.
What is prayer according to the Bible?
Firstly, we must deeply understand the meaning of this well-known and beloved word Prayer, according to the Almeida Bible Dictionary (1999, p.120), PRAYER is: An approach of the person to God through words or thought, in private or public.
What did Jesus say about prayer?
Jesus advised His disciples: "Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation" (Mt 26:41). Through prayer, we can overcome the temptation to sin. Pray for God's help to avoid making wrong choices.
What is the difference between faith and prayer?
Prayers are the branches of a tree, whose root is called faith. There can be faith without prayer, but there is no prayer without faith.