There are a LOT of excellent conference videos here, and you can learn a LOT if you'll take the time to watch them.Be sure to see the playlists by clicking on the 'SEE ALL' link at the bottom right corner of the 'Playlists' box.
Any conferences or DVDs that are uploaded here are either content that I have recorded myself, or else have obtained either verbal or written permission from the speakers or their representatives to upload their material.
For a HUGE list of play lists, please visit the EncompassedRunner channel, and visit the play list page there. You'll find many, many videos worth watching there.
I've enabled 'friend lock' on this channel, due to the nature of the videos that are here, and also due to the nature of some of the emails I've received. If you want to send a message to me, you know what to do. Just don't friend request me so you can send hate mail.
There is salvation in none other than Jesus Christ (Yeshua ha' Mashiach).