2010 Unemployment Extension -- 99ers Appeal for an Executive Order
Attention all Unemployed Americans who need help: Phase III begins Monday
For months now, we the long term unemployed keep trying to find the magic bullet that will get the attention and action from Washington to save the lives of millions of struggling, desperate jobless Americans and our families. We tried a massive FAX ATTACK on Washington for an entire week around May Day this year, we have called all members of Congress, we have emailed & faxed media and Capitol Hill and recently we pleaded with our President to intercede with an Executive Order granting us the Tier 5 benefits needed to stave off hunger and homelessness, but Washington just will not listen.
Introducing PHASE III joblessunite.yolasite.com/phase-iii.php "American unemployed without benefits NEED a Town Hall with YOU Mr. President." We want Mr. Obama to speak with the long term unemployed who have exhausted all benefits, in a 90 minute Web based Town Hall Meeting as soon as humanly possible, as we are going homeless and dying from recession related suicides every day.
The White House Comment line is 202- 456-1111 Comment line is only open 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday thru Friday EST. If the line is busy, please be patient. You may also call the White House switchboard on 202- 456-1414 and ask to be connected to the comment line.
All the attention on the Gulf oil spill and those unemployed due to that tragedy which began the end of April 2010 seems to have the full attention of the White House. The problem is that nobody, with the exception of MSNBC's Ed Schultz is paying any attention to the suffering that has been ongoing in this country far longer than this past April. The long term unemployed who have been without benefits for 4 or 5 months now. Where is the sense of urgency for us? Yes Pelicans need to be saved but what about jobless Americans who have had no income for several months? What about us Mr. President? Are we less important to you than a Sea Turtle?
I urge all who can to participate in this new PHASE III project, which is a phone, fax and mail in campaign directed solely at our President. I believe Mr. Obama to be a man of compassion and fairness. This recession related unemployment crisis has lasted nearly 180 weeks and shows no signs of bei