Приятелството с хора от цял свят ме кара да се замисля за необятността на Вселената . И затова, колко малък е нашият свят.
И колко са ценни приятелствата, независимо от разстоянията и от времето.
Благодаря ви, че ви има , приятели! Сега, завинаги и след това...
This channel is not a commercial! The Visual and Sound used remain the property of the respectful copyright owners.
It's only for entertainment.
Video presentations, music - things that are part of my life.
Romance, beauty, art and love in all its dimensions - things that inspire me.
Friendship with people from around the world makes me think about the vastness of the universe. So, how small our world.
And how valuable friendships, regardless of distance and time.
Thank you that you have, my friends! Now, forever and then ...