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Apostle Henry Ssabiiti

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Apostle Henry Ssabiiti
Posted 5 months ago

Daily Transformation -109- September 27th || Ap. Henry Ssabiiti


The way of the [arrogant] fool [who rejects God’s wisdom] is right in his own eyes, But a wise and prudent man is he who listens to counsel. [Proverbs 12:15 AMP]

The wise have their way and the fools have theirs. There are things in life that are characteristic of each of those ways, and one of those defining aspects is attitude. Fools have a mindset that they are too wise to need anybody's advice. They tend to think that they know it all. However, the wise think in such a way that they need to know more from others.

While the way of the wise is directed by humility, fools are always arrogant; they have no respect for counsel. Due to this element of pride, fools reject knowledge, wisdom and understanding - no matter whether it is coming from man or from God. On the other hand, the wise are always eager to receive knowledge and wisdom because they never consider themselves too wise to learn.

No one is born foolish or wise, but the way we choose to pursue in life determines which side we fall. Wisdom is infinite, and the wise will always listen to wisdom, increase their learning and gain more understanding. However, the fool depreciates in wisdom because as they reject counsel, they lose even the little they have!

We all have the ability to choose wisdom over folly. Solomon was the wisest king in his days and remains an icon of wisdom up to this day, yet he often wrote intimating how he would give his heart to understanding various things! This wise man once wrote saying that better is a poor and wise child than an old and foolish king who can no longer be admonished! In other words, a person who can't be advised is very dangerous - not only to himself, but to others as well.

Child of God, walk in the way of the wise. Never assume that you know so much, for the Bible declares that if any man thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know. Be humble enough to seek guidance and to ask questions, even when you think you know. As you walk in the way of the wise, you will become wiser day by day, in Jesus' Name.

Point to Ponder:
Fools become fools because of the path they choose to walk; and in the same way the wise become wise because of the way they choose to take.

Further Reading:
- Proverbs 1:5
- Ecclesiastes 4:13
- 1Corinthians 8:2

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Apostle Henry Ssabiiti
Posted 5 months ago

Daily Transformation -109- September 25th || Ap. Henry Ssabiiti


Now they told David, “Behold, the Philistines are fighting against Keilah and are robbing the threshing floors.” Therefore David inquired of the Lord, “Shall I go and attack these Philistines?” And the Lord said to David, “Go and attack the Philistines and save Keilah.” But David's men said to him, “Behold, we are afraid here in Judah; how much more then if we go to Keilah against the armies of the Philistines?” Then David inquired of the Lord again. And the Lord answered him, “Arise, go down to Keilah, for I will give the Philistines into your hand.” And David and his men went to Keilah and fought with the Philistines and brought away their livestock and struck them with a great blow. So David saved the inhabitants of Keilah. [1Samuel 23:1-5 ESV]

All this happened at a time when David was being pursued by Saul. The young man was on the run for his own life, yet at the same time there was a battle he had to fight for the sake of the inhabitants of Keilah! He inquired of the Lord and the Lord gave him a go-ahead. It was such a weird proposal for his own men at such a time when they had more than enough to handle themselves. However, even upon asking the second time, God still confirmed it to him.

Many a time life tends to put us in such a position where we have to fight for other people yet we too have our own battles, and in most cases the ones we face are bigger than the ones before them. It happened to Joseph, that while he was still in prison seeking his own release, God sent him two fresh prisoners that needed his help. Likewise, when Jesus was on the cross, much as he was in pain Himself, He still got a moment to speak hope into another man's life on the cross next to His!

Child of God, we have been called to this kind of life. When Joseph saw the two officials in prison, he didn't first focus on his own condition, but he looked for a way of making these men's lives better; and though Jesus was still hanging on that cross, He didn't concentrate on His problem but on the opportunity to save this one soul. Earlier on this very Jesus, faced with His own arrest, had time to heal one of the men whose ears had been cut off by one of His disciples during that scuffle!

God will always bring you people in need when you're in need as well. Before you use your situation as an excuse to justify your inability to help them, do what David did - ask the Lord whether you're the answer to their problem. Weird as it may seem, God may want you to focus on their battle yet He isn't saying a word about your own!

God has given you the grace to pray for others even when the prayers you make for yourself don't seem to be answered, and to encourage others at a time when you too need encouragement. He has equipped you with the strength to take on that extra fight.

Nevertheless, as you sow those sacrificial seeds for the sake of others, God will ensure that He rewards you by fighting for you the way you did for others, and even much more than that, in Jesus' Name!

Point to Ponder:
Never pity yourself to the point of feeling you can't help someone else because you're going through something; the saviour on the cross was still able to save another soul!

Further Reading:
- Genesis 40:1-23
- Luke 22:49-51
- Luke 23:39-44

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Apostle Henry Ssabiiti
Posted 6 months ago

Daily Transformation -109- September 10th || Ap. Henry Ssabiiti


Then the Lord said to Gideon, “By the three hundred men who lapped I will save you, and deliver the Midianites into your hand. Let all the other people go, every man to his place.” [Judges 7:7 NKJV]

Gideon set out with 32,000 men but God told him they were so many! He reduced the number to 10,000 but God still told him to decrease the number further, lest they would think that it was their strength that gave them victory. Eventually He only approved 300 men that would go with Gideon into battle against a great army with soldiers that couldn't be numbered for they were very many!

Child of God, you don't need the whole world to accomplish what God has called you to do; you only need the people that He has assigned to help you with the work He has called you for. Oftentimes these people, regardless of their number, seem to be much smaller than the task before you - so that you can have room to trust God instead of those people.

Like Gideon, you may think the victory is in the numbers - but it's all about those that God has chosen. Jesus fed tens of thousands and traversed many places with a core team of only 12 men. After Jesus' ascension, Peter started off the new ministry with a team of about 120 disciples that were filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost! They had just received a great commission of reaching out to the whole world and yet here they were - a little over a hundred! However, God began their ministry by giving them a sign that they were able to touch the whole world as they spoke in all the languages that were represented in Jerusalem that day!

There are people that God Himself will take away from you because, from His perspective, you don't need them. Sometimes as you see them go it may look like a negative sign, but when it's working out for your ultimate good. For instance, in Gideon's case, the first 22,000 that went back home were men that were filled with fear instead of faith. These would have eventually become a stumbling block in Gideon's way. The earlier such people walk away from your life, the better!

Others may not be bad people at all, but if God realises that you may fail to give Him all the glory because you had those people by your side, He will cause them to walk away as well. At the end of the day your trust should be in the Lord, not in the arm of flesh that can fail you.

May God bring you the people you need for every assignment in your life; they that believe in you, having the anointing and the conviction of God upon their hearts to fight with you to the end, in Jesus' Name!

Point to Ponder:
Your victory is not in having many people with you, but in having the right ones fight alongside you. You would rather have a few that are God-chosen than having a mixed multitude.

Further Reading:
- Psalms 33:16
- Hosea 10:12-13
- Acts 2:1-16

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Apostle Henry Ssabiiti
Posted 7 months ago

Do you THINK you're Ready for Marriage?
OR You're ACTUALLY Ready?
Are you WAITING?
Are you TIRED?
Are they putting you under PRESSURE?

Utilise this opportunity happening THIS TUESDAY.

Prepare your Questions, and Be ready to Learn.

The YouTube Account is Apostle Henry Ssabiiti,

Facebook Account is Henry Ssabiiti
And this is the Zoom Link:…

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Apostle Henry Ssabiiti
Posted 9 months ago


We thank God for a successful ministry outreach to the students at St. Francis School of Health Sciences, Namataba!

Apparently, these students were denied an opportunity to have Sunday fellowship within their campus, owing to the fact that it's Catholic founded. However, through God's providence, the nearby Pastor at Galabi Pentecostal Church, welcomed them and allowed them to hold their own service from that Church every Sunday morning. Hence, they need to walk for a distance to Church.

The way we got connected to these students was a testimony by itself! It was through a young man who was inspired by Apostle Henry's message against Valentine's Day. The video clip went viral, and he was one of the people that watched it. He texted Apostle, welcomed him to their school, and now the rest is history!

This morning, despite the rains, students eagerly gathered for the service, demonstrating their hunger for God!

Our team of 7 Transformers, led by Apostle Henry Ssabiiti had the privilege of ministering to these dedicated students.

In attendance were 182 students, and 3 precious souls gave their lives to Christ!

Apostle Ssabiiti delivered a powerful sermon, "Stand Out", urging the students to embrace their identity in Christ and represent Him in their generation.

We returned safely, giving all the glory to God for this fruitful outreach!

#TransformationArmy #ImpactingaGeneration

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