Videos ahoy!
Finished Projects:
-Skies of Arcadia 100% Playthrough (completed)
So uh, yeah. Watch 'em. Or don't. I don't care. I'm having fun anyways xD
SoA and SO3 are two of my favorite RPG's. Others include Tales of the Abyss + the Tales series in general, FFIX, Persona 3 and 4, the Pokemon series, Mana Khemia, Ar Tonelico, and a bunch more. Way too many to list here.
I must also admit that I'm a huge freakin' Digimon fan. Might do some recordings of those games for those interested. But in general, I'm an RPG freak. So RPG fans unite! So thanks for reading if you are just looking or if you're a friend or subscriber thanks for the support.