~*~*~*(A)live (T)hrough (C)hrist*~*~*~
YouTube channel of ATC Gaming.
"For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." -1 Corinthians 15:22
~*~*~*What Is ATC?*~*~*~
ATC is Alive Through Christ gaming. We are a group of Christians who by the grace of God have been brought together. Many of us were online for years prior to realizing there were others who knew Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In November 07 we decided to make a team out of it. We started with 3 people and called the team Trinity or T3 for short. As the first year passed we began to pick up members here and there. As we began to grow we found more and more of the community looking for the same thing we were; fellowship.
This team is here for Jesus. Our bios,gamertags, and the way we handle ourselves are encompassed around what we believe. We are not going into every room preaching, but we go into every room ready to.