future uploads:
-FTP (f*ck trigger-happy pigs/fight the power) remix of anti-police brutality tracks (see blogs.myspace.com/wiseintelligent: July 12, 2009 - Wise Intelligent Falsely Arrested! + Italy: Officers found guilty for teenager's death in Ferrara @ www.statewatch.org/news/2009/jul/01italy-teenagers… and anti-war/military oppression in general (Palestine, Sri Lanka, Congo, Colombia, S-Korea, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, ...the list goes on)
FYI: www.inchaoswetrust.com/drugs.htm:
"dont give me that i want to help people crap. If they wanted to help people they would be firemen or paramedics. They are cops because they want to have authority over other people."
-Ode to (Native) Womyn/Youth: women are the backbone of society!!!