Shapeshifting Basics:
*Shapeshifts are done in one eye (almost never in both eyes simultaneously) at a distance from the camera.
*Speed is also used to make the shapeshift subliminal. The combination of speed and distance prevents the conscious mind from perceiving shapeshifts.
*The intelligence that produces the shapeshifts can perfectly calculate all the factors (such as speed, distance and lighting) to display the shapeshift in a subliminal manner.
*Humans can only perceive the phenomenon by using the DVD functions of zoom and frame-by-frame to isolate these fleeting, subliminal moments.
*All of the actors we see in movies and TV display these shapeshifts.
*It is easy to predict when shapeshifts will occur by analyzing the psychological motives occurring on-screen. Shapeshifts are not random but are used to subliminally enhance the actor's performance.
*The main motives include: Homicidal intent / Deception / Guilt / Posing as an imposter.