KORNER STORE TELEVISION created by Dexter Davis aka OMD-DEX300 aka Doc Savage the Man of Bronze, an actor, comedian, and entrepreneur has created shows on the KORNER STORE TELEVISION channel such as the Korner Store Podcast, New Artist Music Review show, Track VIBE show and Comic Book Korner show , all these and more are available on the KORNER STORE TELEVISION, if you'd like to contribute monetarily to the channel please send donations to cash app $dex300 or Venmo @dex30066 ,or PayPal @dex300 and reach out to me at kornerstoremedia@gmail.com or dex3001966@gmail.com especially if want an interview or comment , also go to @Kornerstorepodcast on Instagram or @omddex300, and if you want merchandise please go to @colorsmakemehappy on Instagram for LS tees , reg. Tees , key chains, coasters , and more