Welcome to the STRTR JCKT ENT YouTube Channel.
First off, thank you for taking a moment to view any piece of content on this channel.
Your likes, subs and any feedback (+ or -) is greatly appreciated as it helps us get pushed to the masses via the almighty YT algorithm.
Strtr Jckt Ent was created by RH1N in 2018 and represents the "Golden Era" of music/media in the 90's. The actual "Jacket" in the name comes from the coats, jackets we all rocked as teens back then. If you know, you know!
This media label is built on a foundation laid down over a decade plus by my many productions, performances and actual feet on the ground promotion and networking.
If you support SJE consider yourself family. Welcome to the fam!
Please share and stay tuned for the many upcoming singles, ep's, videos, production classes, community benefits, livestreams, podcasts, videos, giveaways, and much more... sky is the limit!
Thank you,