Salvage Title is a band and an idea that rose from the lack of local classic rock bands that played the kind of music we grew up with. What it has become over the last decade is a dynamic and sonically electrifying rock band that relies on searing guitar licks, stunning vocals, and rock steady bass and percussion to captivate a growing audience in the East Bay of California. Salvage Title features Tony Vasquez on bass guitar, Ben Cooper on guitar, Jason Wisenor on vocals and the occasional guitar solo, and Dan Garvin on Drums. All are seasoned pros who have made brilliant music around the Bay Area for decades. Our music is wide-ranging and covers a broad spectrum of rock music, traversing the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and beyond. We are comfortable and equipped to play in venues from large concert halls or outdoor festivals to small clubs or intimate, acoustic-only dinner settings. Salvage Title plays the songs that other bands don’t dare try.