New Time Zones is an Indie Synth-Rock band started by Guitarist David Rey, and Bassist Harry Duff in 2013. The Two friends from childhood and at the time, Oklahoma State University students, would remain an instrumental project until discovering Vocalist and Lyricist Justin Shelton in 2015.The group would replace several drummers before landing on current drummer, Freddy Bell in 2018. Realizing it's potential, the members began writing and released their debut EP "Silhouettes at a Distance," in 2017. The band would then go on to become Oklahoma National Finalists in Next2Rock 2017 and landed a spot at Norman Music Festival in April of 2018. NTZ released it's second EP, "Stage One" on 10/26/18 with continued dates in studio working on a third release.
Twitter: New_Time_Zones
Instagram: Newtimezones