BucketPonds is a channel focused on jar aquariums (Jarrariums) and some outdoor projects. (The Oasis)
In the jars I attempt to capture and nurture all sorts of aquatic life. Detritivores like worms and crustaceans. Along with snails and insects.
With the goal of permanently incorporating each specie into our Aquarium Ecosystems. As we study and look for possible benefits of their presence.
I call this: The Creature Collection. Our menagerie. The collection is constantly growing. Especially with the help of our friends online.
Within the Oasis my goal is simple: to provide a habitat for wild frogs, anoles, skinks, and other animals. While also growing tons of pond plants and flowers for the local pollinators.
For now any revenue from the channel and our Patreon is directed right back into BucketPonds. Financing the jars and pools I use in the videos. Paying for supplies and kits. New equipment. Etc.