Hey, I’m TheSnakelord. Aka T. S. Lord or Talloran, whatever ya want to call me. I’m an Iowan, mediocre artist, and aspiring SCP author. My channel banner is SCP-5500 (one of my favourites) and my profile picture is my persona and author avatar.
I tend to hang around here a bit, usually watching videos for fun or listening to them for background noise whenever I’m doing something. Once in a blue moon I’ll upload something. It’ll probably be SCP related. I also spend a lot of time on Twitter and Discord, and on Roblox.
Alternatively, I could be drawing or writing something, since I tend to do that quite a lot. I also archive things on the Internet Archive, occasionally.
I’m also on some other platforms. You can talk whenever, just keep it SFW.
Twitter: @TheeSnakelord_
Discord: swann.serpent
Roblox: Screaming_Goat123
Minecraft: SwannSerpent
Internet Archive: @talloran_swann