B to C ~ a.k.a. “Oshare-Banchou & Corinne”
Oshare-Banchou (The “Boss”) long dreamt of working in NYC – so she departed Tokyo and landed at a Fashion College in The Big Apple. Upon graduation, a 20 year career in the fashion industry ensued.
Corinne (The “Assistant”) graduated from an Art University in Japan and started her professional career as a textile designer in Tokyo. She then brought her talents to a prestigious textile company in NYC.
Please join these two Japanese transplants as they share 20 years of NYC experiences and delightful locals.
オシャレ番長 (自称) : NYファッション業界で働くことを夢見て渡米。NYの某ファッションスクール卒業以後、長年に渡って自力で米系就職&転職し、現在新しいことへの挑戦のため休業中。
コリーヌ (アシスタント役): 日本の美大卒業後テキスタイルデザイナーとして活躍後渡米。