This is Breakfast in Beauclair, a global Witcher podcast. Every episode, host Alyssa of GoodMorhen sits with a new guest to discuss Andrzej Sapkowski’s The Witcher Universe. In Tidings from Toussaint, the mid-episode news segment, correspondent Lars of WitcherFlix updates listeners on recent news regarding Netflix’s television adaptation and spin-offs.
In the series “Around The Table,” we go around the Beauclair breakfast table with other Witcher content creators sharing facts and tidbits about the production and real life history, folklore, and culture behind an episode of Netflix’s The Witcher.
Join our international hanza as we accompany the witcher, Geralt of Rivia, and his destiny, Cirilla of Cintra, on their journeys across The Continent.
New Breakfast in Beauclair podcast episodes release every other Thursday.