Mahadrashta channel is presented by Mahadrashta Pyramid Spiritual Science & Educational Trust (MPSSET) founded by DNA Swarnalatha.The main purpose of this channel is to bring into creation a “PYRAMID-DHYAN JAGATH”, create pure “AHIMSA-VEGETARIAN JAGATH” and “PYRAMID JAGATH”.To conduct talks, meeting and workshops etc., by inviting eminent people in the field of spirituality.To conduct Experiments in Spiritual Sciences.It brings guidance, support, love, wisdom, promote, awareness, spreading the basics of spiritual realities and spiritual science to one and all.To promote or spread awareness among ALL beings on Earth planet about the shifting of dimensional realities.To spread the New age spirituality means to bring in peace, Global unity of Human Unified With Human, Human Unified With Nature, Human Unified With God and enlightenment, as well as reunite humans with God’s real nature and reality and ultimately promoting and considered to be humans are divine and co-creators.