My name is Jeremy Lamb, I’m a ticketed welder by trade from New Zealand, & I’m the main pioneer of this channel. I haven’t got a formal degree in any major subject as yet, but I’ve completed a number of papers at Polytech. I’m only a few semesters away from getting a diploma in Theology. After completing my Theological studies, I then plan to pursue an academic qualification in Biology & possibly a career in that field.
This channel I run covers a broad range of topics & recreational themes. Our aim is to explore subjects that provide either art or utility, or both. Here on this channel we will feature segments on the following: RC Model Aircrafts, RC Jetboats, RC Cars, War models, Models of Galley Ships & other such ocean vessels. There will also be a review on a Model of the Solar System, along with video game reviews, fishing reviews (Kontiki review), DNA Company Reviews, & many more.