The world is getting continually getting worse and we think our Politicians are going to fix it?
Homelessness is getting worse and we are to wait on Politicians to fix it? Newsome does not want it fixed!
The Churches are getting Watered Down, Confused, Micromanaged, Preachers afraid to speak the truth, Christians divided so we fight school boards as individuals and get no where. We gave them consent to change our kids cause as individuals we are Powerless!
Pastors are afraid to let their congregation talk to other members from another church because they are afraid of losing members! Their is no power!
Their is no uniting Christians! UNTIL NOW
Fasting and Praying is the only way to solve these problems
Fasting Prayers tears down these strongholds!
Fasting and Praying Isaiah 58 solves homelessness and breaks your bondage
Uniting Fasting and Praying Heals the country!