Haillo Dere! I am Syd!!!! And i love love loooooooove awesome people. such as the following:
O o
/¯/___________________________ ________IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZOR!!!! BLAAAAGHH!!
And then theres my Youtube budds:
And thats about it. if you would like to be added to this list plz call
1-800-YOU-COOL no dnt really call that. i have no idea wholl answer. i like creepy things. don choo? theyre so creepy n cool and AWESOME! woo. i also like evil cupcakes and cannibal gummy bears. my fave!!! and my favorite colors are... i donts got one. i like all of dem!!! yay! and i looove givin peeps my tinted applesauce. in case ur wondering what its tinted with..... my cool ness! lol jkjk. but it tastes supa good. u should try it sometimes. byee. oh and im on myspace. Sydnee Appel. wooo thats my fake name. you likee? i made it up when i was five. at first it was imaginary friends, but then i was like "what the hay" lol i didnt really say that. but loooook me up!! ;)