🏹About me:
I'm a professional archer, coach, and bowhunter. I love spending time outdoors!
I've been Bowhunting since I was a little kid and started competing in target archery in 2019 when I moved back to the US from Korea. I'm teaching my kids the love of the outdoors and conservation. They're just starting out on their own journey as bowhunters!
🌟On my channel: Everything archery related!!
🎯Long form videos:
I'll be posting informational videos on how to improve form, grip, and overall accuracy for all levels of archers.
I'll be providing tips and tricks, basic knowledge, and in-depth information for both target archery and bowhunting setups.
I have a snarky sense of humor and enjoy making funny videos about archery. If you're not having fun, what are you having? 😂😂🤣
Thanks for watching and supporting my love of archery and my family!!
Have a blessed day and shoot straight!