Hey guys!
We're Ian and V.
We're nomadic creative entrepreneurs who run our business Freedom Podcasting while moving from country to country.
We upload videos randomly to tell fun and educational stories of our love for our Skoolie, DIY, adventure, travel and CrossFit.
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Q: What equipment do we use?
A: a.co/hIkxl6V
Q: How did we meet?
A: In Cairns, far North Queensland, Australia. Ian was on a Working Holiday Visa & picked up work refitting a 180 foot catamaran. He met V underneath the cat while they were grinding the barnacles off the hull
Q: Where do you live?
A: We make each location our home & we've been nomadic since we met in September 2010
Q: When did you become location independent?
A: After Ian founded Freedom Podcasting in 2012 & V jumped on board in 2013
Q: How do you afford to travel all the time?
A: Our online business, itchy feet and TrustedHousesitters
Thanks for watching! 😎