We are an American (US) couple who met while living i Korea in 2013 and have since been traveling slowly together for the past decade including serving with the Peace Corps in Zambia from 2018-2020 and 2022-2023. We are very simple and grateful people with a lot of random experiences like living out of a converted station wagon for a year road tripping around Australia, living with a family on their permaculture property in rural Thailand, and bicycling and camping throughout rural northern Zambia. We primarily have this channel to share stories of the people we meet and budget long-term travel guides.
We both share the same values but have wildly different interests. The things we do have in common are that we enjoy: chess, cats, being outside, prioritizing our time and travel, resourcefulness and frugality, meaningful work, and continuing education.
Travel guides and more detailed posts at www.LianneBronzo.come and www.AdamAndLianne.com.