Pierrot The Acid Clown is many things:
A musician and live performer with his own brand of Acid Techno.
The front man for the Clown Army...an emerging community of fellow musicians and music lovers.
The protagonist and organiser of the Clownfest music festivals - one of the most amazing online international music festival events.
Here at the "Pierrot The Acid Clown" channel (or PtAC for short) we are dedicated to embracing your musical talents and desires. If you dream of getting your music heard, seen and promoted, then this is the channel for you.
I can only talk from personal experience.....
"I came across Pierrot on Facebook and started submitting my tracks to the URL (Unsigned review Live). From there I got heard and signed by an independent record label and have an album out across all the major streaming platforms. I have also streamed live at Clownfest 2, 3, 4 and 5 and been heard and seen by more people that I could have imagined"