I have been a rock climber, sailor, and outdoor sports participant for over 40 years. In 2021 I attained both my Yachtmaster Ocean designation and my Instructor Certification with the Canadian Recreational Yachting Association. I have been a recreational axe and knife thrower for over 10 years. Recently I added a some axe and knife throwing videos. Thank you for joining me on my "Respect the Risk" channel! "Respect the Risk" is an attitude, a philosophy as well as a way of life for all risk endeavors or adventures: For anyone who truly LIVES! I will feature "Video Guides" for popular rock climbs, a Respect the Risk Rock Climbing Mentor Series as well as a "How To" series and trip videos for coastal and offshore sailing. Later, I added some "meditation" style videos with using rock climbing, paddling and mountain biking as a medium. Recently I also I added some ice-boat wind surfing and winging videos showing my home made ice boat.