Hi there, my name is Eric and I play music for fun. I can't read notes/music so everything is played by ear. I also don't use Tabs for playing and don't know how that system works. I make my own backing tracks and some of them were available on iTunes but I started to remove them all.
I want to apologize to everyone who writes me nice comments wich I do not respond. Because of this large number of messages it has become impossible. Every day I receive about 600 new messages. I do appreciate it a lot, it's an honor for me. Thank you so much.
Je tiens à m'excuser pour tous ceux qui m'ont écrit des commentaires gentils que je ne réponds pas. En raison de ce grand nombre de messages il est devenu impossible de répondre. Chaque jour je reçois environ 600 nouveaux messages. J'apprécie beaucoup, c'est un honneur pour moi. Merci beaucoup.