I like to help other gamers and love Ark. I'm just a simple guy with a full-time job that loves gaming.
My settings on my Ark servers is not ridiculously off that everything is easy. I have the taming down ever so slightly and the night speed is sped up just a little. I don't cheat. I do fail a lot and by doing so I learn how to get better. I refuse to play PVP as I'm not into that type of play. If Ark Official was set so that your stuff, could not be damaged while you were off the game, I would probably play. But there are too many griefers who just like to destroy player's stuff while they are off game. It's not fun.
Aside from Ark, I also love Horizon Zero Dawn, Horizon Forbidden West, Minecraft, the State of Decay Games, the Left 4 Dead games, the Borderlands games, Satisfactory, Slime Rancher, My Time at Portia, Return to Moria, Orebound, and Farm Together.