Most of the higher lifeforms are herbivores, yet we think less of them than some of their predators who use them as easy food. Yet it is also a rational and fair thing to preserve the lives of peaceful mammals among others. Savage ones can be converted forcefully in some cases to a special plant-based diet with additives like taurine and also pH adjustment. Anyway, only a small number of the bigger species are carnivorous, there aren't too many to manage vs. all the other ones that they threaten. Defang them or something? Maybe how about spraying sterilizing chemicals on them, herds of wildcats and hyenas, etc. (save all the other animals that way, and sterilize some of them too so their population doesn't get too large). Our world sickens me because I respect animals as equals somewhat, older than time. And because we don't empathize with them, we put them through hell. Rice and beans is what we should've been eating anyway (burritos, etc, or more like East Indian or NASA diets).