I'm a sound and visual artist from Australia. This channel is a bit of an overview featuring some clips of my own work plus some influences and side interests from popular culture. At college I originally studied design and art but later went to the Elder Conservatorium, School of Electronic Music (Australia). At the SEM we were lucky enough to catch some of the last years of tutoring from Tristram Cary – one of the pioneers of modern electronic music composition (and one of the designers of the EMS synthi) so it was an amazing opportunity to hear first hand about the evolution of electronic music and its performance from one of its originators.
You can find clips of my work with the electronic art band TCH This Crepuscular Hour: youtube.com/user/ThisCrepuscularHour/videos and also with the lo-fi dusty electronica of The Array Project here: youtube.com/user/thearrayprojectmusic/videos