My name is Katherine Heigl. I am an actress, producer, mother, wife, animal advocate, daughter, sister, friend, homemaker etc, etc! I live in the mountains of Utah where my family and I have managed to create an oasis for ourselves. It’s a quieter life, a simpler one for which we are very grateful. I’ve found over the years that it’s easy for most of us to get lost in the hustle of our lives and to forget the fleeting Heavenly Days that come our way. My goal the last few years has been to find a way of creating them for myself, my friends and my family without it costing me all my time, energy and resources. We all lead busy, chaotic lives, but we still want to find a way to enjoy them. I’m thrilled to share with you all of the things that inspire me, give me purpose, and bring beauty, peace and gratitude to my life. I hope my ideas speak to you and inspire you the way countless others have done for me.