Ej! un jam këtu e do t'jem den baba den
mor sa mali t'bëhet hi e hiri mal përseri
ma thonë emrin ÇAM njeri...
"The Chamides are the most peaceable and industrious of the tribes and are devoted to agriculture and trade. They dress with great splendour, their clothes being covered with gold lace and embroidery.....
They inhabit the land watered by the Thyamis which is opposite to the island of Corfu and the regions about the river Aheron extending as far as the Gulf of Ambrakia, on the south. They call their territory Tchameria which, together with the name Tchamis, which they bear is probably derived from the river Thyami...
The Albanian language being merely oral, the want of written documents renders their history exceedingly obscure, and the silence preserved by the Greek and Byzantine writers on the subject, has reduced the data within a very narrow compass... They are called Arvaniti by the Greeks and Arnaout by the Turks....
H.S. "on the Albanians" TENPJ p. 310-311