Hello, my name is Stan. My goal for this channel is to share interesting stories happening on earth🌏. Forget about egos and connect to the source of creation with an open mind🙏.
Feel the abundance and be grateful for all kinds of unconditional love❤️.
Respect the free will of every creation🤝.
Cause no intentional suffering🌱.
Practice forgiveness and love🌝.
Where we go one we go all, the Great Awakening 🌊.
放低所有「小我」嘅角色,感受一切都係遊戲(夢境)嘅一部份,而真正嘅自己就係「玩家」(發緊夢嗰個),而唔係遊戲入面嘅角色。 作為「玩家」根本冇需要討厭任何一個角色嘅理由。所有角色都係「玩家」意識嘅一部份,唯有用「慈」「悲」嘅態度去對待先至係最合理。「慈」就係無條件,「悲」就係冇分別心。所以唔好忘記,您可以用觀察者(玩家) 嘅角度去玩「人生」呢個遊戲🙏。