Hi! I’m Save Robbie!
Every video on my channel is
Contact Info = SAVE ROBBIE'S EMAIL: saverobbie.1982@gmail.com
(Lokomai helps me with my emails so please be patient)
Welcome to my channel. Most of my videos involve humor & I often over exaggerate to get you to laugh. (for entertainment purposes only) I enjoy laughing & don’t take life too seriously. My intentions always come from my heart no matter what mood I’m in. I’m human & vlog a range of my emotions. I’m a little bit True crime, paranormal investigations, testing my intuition on livestreams, tarot card readings, and crama with lots of comedy surrounded by drama! I named my channel “Save Robbie” because vlogging really helps me mentally & spiritually.
Guests calling in are not in control/operate any part of my channel and I do not align or support all beliefs/opinions of guests
Thanks to all of my loving friends
God bless, Save Robbie