Flavio Pelliconi coordinates the Maitreya Center in Milan, collaborated with the Italian magazine «Dharma» and since 1980 practices Vipassanā Meditation. Mainly trained in Sayagyi U Ba Khin's school with his continuer Mother Sayamagyi, he has, over time, developed a unified vision, humanist, universalist and – above all – secular of the Buddhadharma. The videos collected here were recorded during the biweekly sessions at the Center, in via Cenisio 5, Milan. WARNING: «I am not a religious authority, nor a second-hand dispenser of truth. On the contrary, I advise you not to allow any external authority, not even to me, to dictate the norms of your interior life. I am only a passionate student of the teachings of the Buddha and I share here with you what I have understood in the course of my experiments with the Truth; although you love, respect and study the Buddhist tradition, I do not pretend to represent it» (Flavio Pelliconi risveglio.org/).