click heree!☆
if you laughed at least once you might as well subscribee😛
*+: hii, it’s jae!✩
**my channel is not specifically for shorts**
goal rn: 2k subs!!✰
about me: ♡︎
i’m a believer :)) (i follow Jesus Christ & live to try to please God)
name - jaelie noelle
age - 15! (sophomore)
favorite color - mint greenn
favorite food - sushi😋
ethnicity - blackity black
bday - feb 15
luv trolling ppl😭
roblox: iamjaelie (im more active in the summer time, but u might catch me)
100 subs - 9/2/23 :))
200 subs - 9/29/23 :p
300 subs - 10/9/23 :v
400 subs - 10/22/23 ;)
500 subs - 11/4/23
600 subs - 11/8/23
700 subs - 11/11/23
800 subs - 11/13/23
900 subs - 11/19/23
1000 subs - 11/27/23
~have a blessed day~
instagram: @jaelienoelle
pinterest: @jaelienoelle
vsco: @jaelienoelle
tiktok: jaelienoelle_