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PreCureFandubz is an Fan-Based Production, Created By Fans For Fans To Enjoy!
Following the sucess of the Canadian English Dub of Pretty Cure, we decided on English based names for the Cures Human Forms!
Our goal is to fan dub the Pretty Cure All Stars DX Movie in English! We also may plan to dub the other Pretty Cure Movies or some scenes from the Pretty Cure Series.
Disclaimier: This is a Fan-Made Fandub.
This is no way related to the true owners
or related to the english dub!
This is a fan-made fandub,
for the fans from the fans.
Pretty Cure Copyright belongs to
This is NOT to be Sold for Profit!
All Music & Video Used all owned by
All We Own Are The Voices.
Please Support The Official Release.
Thank You!
Past Awards:
#74 - Most Subscribed (This Week) - Directors - Canada