Welcome to "EKSOU8" (108), the sacred and magical number in hinduism.
ॐ Om! 💖 NAMASTE! Dear visitors of EKSOU8 channel, we glad ☼☺see you, welcome! You'll find here hindu chants (mantras - मन्त्र) which help us by listening to rich different goals. What is a mantra? Mantras (chants) are sounds made up of sacred Sanskrit syllables, which help us to improve our energy. listening mantras give us access to the Divine Forces, bring harmony in our mind, body & of course set our heart on a wave of divine energy, bringing bliss into our inner world These devotional sounds can activate our inner pharmacy, bring the balance to our physiology, creating wellness & vitality So mantra is divine magic of Gods to wake up our spirituality!
All we do - we do for you! We wish you blessings! Let your heart be filled with harmony, your love be full and strong let you get spiritual balance with a little help of MANTRAS. We wish you health, money, love, prosperity! With 💖