Hi, I'm Alex (find me @hipsters_unite on Twitter), a music journalist and programmer from Manchester, UK. Here, you'll find videos about guitars, pedals and effects.
I try to keep the videos snappy and the sound good, but they are usually recorded in one take, vlog style... so there will be mistakes, confused facial expressions and occasional bursts of unexpected noise. Cool.
The genres of music I play or dabble in are math-rock, shoegaze, post-rock and progressive metal, so I'm generally trying to create riffs to show off pedals in that context.
These days, I'm in a band called Crashtactics, and you can check out our first release from the links below.
Update (9/2016): as this channel has developed, I've got into building effects, so as well as demos of other builders and gear that washes up on my shore, I'm going to be doing video blogs about designing and building pedals too. Cool? Cool.