Religion is an artificial artifice that has been employed to burden the shoulders of the masses. The heavy chains of guilt have been purposefully laid upon us in order to empower those who would have us be their slave. We grovel at their feet, begging for forgiveness from men who only have the illusion of forgiveness to offer. But forgiveness from what? Forgiveness from the sins they imagined? I am a natural born man. You are a natural born woman. The things that our natures aspire to are as natural and as 'Godly' as they were designed to be. We seek freedom from the condemnation of denominational prejudices. Jesus has set none of you up as our judge. Your religion does not make you preferential. God is the One that we all come from. God is Life. God is Love. God is not religion. The egotism of religion, the arrogance and fanaticism of blind faith, do nothing but drive a wedge between us and the many gods within humanity. We ought to love one another - for this is the mind of God!