次世代の漁師たちのため、更に次の世代の漁師達のために佐渡を拠点に活動する「Fisherman’s light」の活動内容を発信しています。「僕たちがどのような活動をしているのか?」「普段は絶対に見れない漁師の漁風景!」など公開していくので皆さんチャンネル登録よろしくお願いします!
For the next generation of fishermen, and for the next generation of fishermen, we are disseminating the activities of "Fisherman's light", which is based in Sado."What kind of activities are we doing?" "Fishermen's fishing scenery that you can never see!" Will be released, so please subscribe to our channel!
【Achieved 1900 followers♪Disseminating information on Japanese fishermen‼】
Japanese fish and landscapes are open to the public♪Follow me because I publish Japanese fish and scenery☆