Storytelling is not dead - it's just been forgotten, as has the purpose of storytelling.
It took me a long time to realise that all life shares the same primary vibration. It took me even longer to understand that this vibration is what the bible refers to as God. I am not a religious person, nor would I call my self a spiritualist. I am simply myself. The same as you. We are expressions of Creation in action, manifesting in a convenient space suit called the human being. The suit allows us to walk on the earth, breath the air and build wonderful things.
We are privileged to be incarnate at this time where light and dark are doing their final dance before the curtain is pulled back completely to reveal the truth! I write and recite poetry to explain and explore these concepts in as many different ways as I can find... I hope you enjoy my style. Please share my work if you like it.
Simon x