Hi/Hallito, it's Falcón Moss(this is my first name, yes both words) (my pronouns are They/Them/Theirs- youtube is still transphobic and in my case Anti Indigenous and doesn't allow other pronouns inthe pronoun box)
Ya host is Hatukholba/Biawaisa/Muxe/ Twospirit (if you're a colonizer) and I'm Intersex. We are Afro Indigeneous SWANA, Autistic, and have a rare autoimmune disease-Behcets, among other diagnoses. 2SLGBTQIAA, Covid Cautious Mask Everywhere, ACAB, and pro dismantling all forms of Oppression and Genocide- Globally
There will be videos of my personal practice, videos for you to try, and in the case of Fiber Arts there will be tutorials!
Currently updating captions and will get to adding new videos/content as time permits, I am a widow parent of two, intergenerational caregiver of relatives and community
Find me on IG @falcon_moss_makes for all Current/ Day to Day/ Fiber Art(stick and string, Crochet/Knit/Tunisian -am ambidextrous) Related Info/Sewing/Embroidery