How can I learn foreign languages?
How can I become a polyglot?
How I can become an Interpreter/ Translator?
My name is Ralph Valentino I. Jean. I am Haitian, born and raised in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
I am a haitian linguist, language instructor, freelance Interpreter/Translator, Certified Medical Interpreter ( English-Haitian Creole ), philosopher, and a polyglot (7).
This channel ( Self-Taught Polyglot) is designed to teach foreign languages and to show how to handle multi-languages. As the great German writer (Goethe) once said: A man who is ignorant of foreign languages is ignorant of his own." Thus, foreign languages can help to better understand one's native language. Languages can be used as a direct indicator of one's cultural heritage and background. For example, in Haitian Creole, there are more than hundreds of proverbs and expressions that have their roots in either French or an African language.
Never stop learning a new language!
Let’s be friends!