Goat" property=twitter:description>
Is a family 🥇, community 2nd🥈and a mission 🥉
Connecting one another on this journey we get to call life.
We #Faithit till we make it here, at this time; for this exact moment.
Responding to the DM from I AM; #TheGoodShepard
who knows us all by name, not from people places or things.
whether your tye dye, black, camo or rainbow
your wool doesn't matter when your in #sheepMODE
This cyber galaxy is infinite, but our time is not.
G·ods P·ositioning S·ystems guarantees the correct direction in appointed timing. Even Wrong turns and distractions can always be "REROUTED" when using our GPS.
This mission we travel is more than us.
So we put it all In his hands, as we are in yours; supporting the hearts of love and misery building the kingdom up together.
This is just the beginning.
let your herd hear your testimonies, dreams, fears, goals and ideas.
SHEEPmode is a home away from home on the road.
#SHEEPmode #nobeastMODE #BAAH&LOVE #SHEEP>Goat