Click the yellow button up there.
|............| Put this on your
|............| page if you have
|.........O| ever pushed a
|............| door that said pull.
|............| L0L
║(o)║♥♫Music is Life♫
•.¸ (•.¸♥¸.•´)¸.•´
.¸.• (¸.•´♥•.¸)•.
. + Jonas + .
+ . . + . + . +
. +Brothers+ . + .
+ . . + . + . + .
----///-\\\----Put This
---|||---|||---On Your
---|||---|||---Profile If
---|||---|||---You Know
-----\\///-----Who has
-----///\\\----like Nick Jonas
*My name is Alex
*I am 13 years old
*I am VERY random
*I like the Jonas Brothers but I do not have OJD
*My favorite movie is Nim's Island
*I have 3 siblings
*I am a fan of Selena Gomez
*My favorite food's pickles
*APPLESAUCE (There went my random moment)
*One of my friends has NO idea who the Jonas Brothers are (I'm teaching her)
*Miley Cyrus rox my sox