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Watch Your Own Dreams

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💎Artist 💎Creativity inspired by dreams 💎Painting with na

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in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Watch Your Own Dreams
Posted 2 months ago

100 years ago, wildfires were far less common in Portugal.

Indeed, they have always occurred naturally to some degree, yet back then wildfires were less intense and widespread.

In mid-20th century the average burned area was around 40,000 hectares per year but in recent years this has drastically increased. In 2017 ca 500,000 hectares of forest burned, resulting in tragic loss of lives and property. In 2024, nearly 111,000 hectares were devastated by fire. (Statistics: ICNF, EFFIS, Copernicus)

Throughout the 20th century, the composition of forests changed dramatically, favouring fast-growing but highly flammable eucalyptus and pine plantations.

One possible solution to the wildfire problem is to plant more trees that are less flammable. Native species and other non-invasive, low-flammability species may still burn, but they are less likely to catch fire explosively like "firecrackers."

Some examples of these species include Mediterranean cypress, fig, strawberry tree, carob, sweet chestnut, olive tree, and cork oak.

On this painting, I have used wildfire ashes, sand, and mica that I collected in Portugal in September this year, as well as water and soil from Madeira.

Details of the painting: Name: Specks of love 1 Size: 40x60 cm cm Materials: wood ashes, sand and mica from Portugal, clay, water from levadas and soil from Madeira island, acrylic on canvas, Year: 2024 Frame: Unframed

#art #wildfires #portugal #artist #nature #lisbon #porto #fire #ecology #trees

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Watch Your Own Dreams
Posted 3 months ago

They can´t do it on their own

I just walked through the aftermath of a forest fire in Portugal this September. The experience changed me. Among the ashes, I collected charred wood and forest remnants - pieces of a landscape forever altered. These fragments became more than just burned debris - they became my medium for honoring what was lost.
Nature will try to heal itself, but it needs our hands in the soil, our minds in the game. It doesn't happen on its own, at least not in a very short time.

It comes down to trees. They're the anchors that quite literally hold our world together, but they need us now more than ever. When we plant native species, we need to think it through - giving them room to grow, access to sunlight, and spacing that helps them survive future fires.

Like any living being, they need clean water and protection from grazing animals while they establish themselves.

The piece itself carries actual remnants of that burned Portuguese forest. For me, it's both a memorial to what the fire took and a statement about nature's stubborn ability to bounce back - with a little help from us.

Name: Specks of Love 5 Size: 80.5 x 80.5 cm Materials: wood ashes, sand from Portugal, clay, water from levadas from Madeira, acrylic on canvas Year: 2024

#forest #fire #art #inspiration #painting #gallery #madrid #newyork #oslo #tallinn #lisbon #porto #environment #trees #earth #soil

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Watch Your Own Dreams
Posted 6 months ago

Painting with blossoms

🖼️Here is a series of small bird paintings using different ingredients from different corners of Estonia.

🌅I gathered greenish sandstone from a small island in Northern Estonia.

🌊I was given pebbles of coal washed up by the Baltic Sea on Hiiumaa island.

🪻Also I added drops of liquid apple blossoms and birch cherry and lilac blossoms to the acrylic paints.

#art #nature #artist #inspiration #watchyourowndreams #dreams #dreaming #unenäod #träume #blossoms #naturalpaints #flowers

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Watch Your Own Dreams
Posted 7 months ago

✨Kas sina mäletad oma unenägusid?✨

😴Keskmiselt näevad inimesed 3-5 unenägu öö jooksul, kuid paljud meist lihtsalt ei mäleta neid hommikuks. See siiski oleneb inimesest.

🌙Kui unenäod on sinu jaoks olulised ja sa soovid, et nad sulle paremini meelde jääks, võiksid nad hommikul kohe mõnel alloleval viisil üles märkida.

1. Unenäomärkmik telefonis/tahvelarvutis või füüsilises märkmikus

2. Salvesta unenäokirjeldus mõne äpiga heli kujul

3. Kasuta mõnda transkribeerimise rakendust, mis kõne tekstiks muudab. Näiteks Live Transcribe.

📒Olen unenäomärkmiku pidanud üle 20 aasta ja nende üles kirjutamine on hästi mõjunud nende meenutamisoskusele ja aidanud paremini aru saada, mida need unenäod on mulle näitama on tulnud. Kui ma seda teinud poleks siis võib olla ma neid linde ja muid unenägudest inspireeritud sümboleid ei maaliks.

Aga kõige olulisem - maga rohkem ehk vähemalt 7.5 tundi ööpäevas, sest siis on šansid suuremad unenägude nägemiseks. 🥳

✨Näitus “Armastuse linnud”✨

🦢Mul on Võrus kohvikus Pannukas kuni 11. augustini üleval näitus, mis on inspireeritud unenägudest. Olen neid linde kritseldanud ca 10 aastat, aga alles hiljuti hakkasin neid suurematele pindadele maalima, sest nii tundus ägedam.

🕊️Linnud tähendavad minu jaoks vabadust igas mõttes.

🦢Vabadust valida, olla, armastada, luua, hingata, liikuda…

🕊️Siiski, igaüks näeb neis lindudes just seda mida soovib, aga piltidel kuvatav sümbolism on seotud ka arhetüüpsete mees- ja naisprinsiipidega kooskõla leidmisega ja tervisliku enesearmastusega.

🥞Kohvik Pannukas on paik, kus on midagi kõigile. Seal on ka vegan-ja gluteenivabu valikuid ja nad on avatud IGA PÄEV 7.00-19.00. Astu läbi!

📸 Ilmar Kruusamäe

#võru #lõunaeesti #näitus #üritused #watchyourowndreams #inspiration #unenäod #uni

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Watch Your Own Dreams
Posted 7 months ago

✨ Unenägudest inspireeritud näitus ✨ Armastuse linnud ✨ Dream inspired exhibition✨ Love birds

In English below.

Mul on 6. juulist – 11. augustini 2024 Võrus kohvikus Pannukas avatud väike näitus:

Need linnud on inspireeritud minu paljudest unenägudest, kus olen näinud linde või ise linnuna lennanud. Kindlasti sain ka mõjutusi sellest, et kasvasin üles Hiiumaal, kuhu väga paljud linnud tulevad kevaditi lõunamaalt pesasid looma.

Linnud sümboliseerivad minu jaoks vabadust, elegantsust ja nutikust. Igaüks näeb neis lindudes just seda mida soovib, aga piltidel kuvatav sümbolism on seotud ka arhetüüpsete mees- ja naisprinsiipidega kooskõla leidmisega ja tervisliku enesearmastusega.

Kasutan maalimisel akrüülvärve ja erinevaid looduslikke aineid, mida leian enda ümber loodusest. Kasutan näiteks erinevatest eesti paikadest korjaud liiva.

Huvitav on maalidesse integreerida nii suureteralist liiva Hiiumaalt kui ka punast Võrumaalt.
Samuti olen kasutanud savi, puutuhka ja sütt ning õitest valmistatud segusid. Selle kõige eesmärk on tuua koju rohkem loodust, kuna usun, et see võib aidata meil luua temaga sügavamat sidet ja mõjuda lõõgastavalt.

Aitäh Jana Huul, et aitasid näitust üles panna ja Paavo Eensalu fotode eest.

✨Inspired by Dream Birds✨

From July 6th to August 11th, 2024, I will have a small exhibition at the Pannukas Café in Võru:

These birds are inspired by my many nocturnal dreams where I have seen birds or flown as a bird myself. I was also influenced by growing up on Hiiumaa, where many birds come in the springtme from the South to build their nests.To me, birds symbolize freedom, elegance, and intelligence.

Each human being sees in these birds what they wish to see, but the symbolism depicted in the images is also related to finding harmony with archetypal masculine and feminine principles and practicing healthy self-love.

In my painting, I use acrylic paints and various natural materials that I find in nature around me. For example, I incorporate sand collected from different locations in Estonia. It is interesting to integrate both the coarse sand from Hiiumaa and the red sand from Võrumaa into my artworks.

I have also used clay, wood ash, charcoal, and mixtures made from flowers. The aim of this is to bring more of nature into the home, as I believe it can help us create a deeper connection with nature and have a relaxing effect.

Thank you, Jana Huul, for helping to set up the exhibition and Paavo Eensalu for the photos.

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Watch Your Own Dreams
Posted 7 months ago

✨IASD Dream Conference and Art Exhibition✨

🐦‍🔥Some of my paintings depicting birds inspired by my dreams were accepted to be part of the dream exhibition held in the medieval Rolduc Abbey in the Netherlands.

Here are some weird facts about the building:

🦢This 900-year-old building is the largest and best-preserved abbey in the Netherlands.
The abbey was founded based on a dream.

🕊️Priest Ailbertus von Antoing, who along with his brothers founded the abbey, died in 1111 (according to Wikipedia). Yes, he is the one whose skeleton you can see in the crypt.

🙏I felt so grateful to connect with so many like-minded dreamers and artists from all over the planet. Even though it was incredibly sad that the event ended—since I’m not a big fan of goodbyes—I feel so inspired to create more art based on my nocturnal dreams.

#exhibition #iasddream #dreams #watchyourowndreams #art #inspiration #stories #dreamconference #birds

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