Hi guys,
I´m SteineNoob
and I am playing daily on the Hive, one of Minecraft Bedrocks most famous Servers
and upload
1: Random Things that happend to me whilst playing
2: How to find different things (like Secret Rooms/Areas , Hubtitles , event items ...)
3: News (Community Tab) about the Hives events, recent updates ...
4: Things about Minecraft that have nothing to do with the Hive
Currently maxed Gamemodes:
Mob Game (level 10)
Ghost Invasion (level 20) (3x)
The Bridge (level 20)
Capture the Flag (level 20)
Block Drop (level 25)
Block Party (level 25)
Gravity (level 25)
Hide and Seek (level 50)
Parkour Worlds (400 stars)